shahidaig.Com Today I am going to tell you how to make chicken lollipops Lets start with the ingredients First of all we are 1 kg chicken wings. If possible ask your butcher to make them or buy raw ready made chicken wings After this we are having 1 tsp freshly crushed black pepper, 1/2 cup all purpose flour and 2 tbsp corn flour Next we are having 1 tsp tomato sauce Then we are having 1/2 tsp soya sauce. Do not add more than that otherwise our lollipops will turn black After this we are having salt (according to taste), 1/2 tsp garlic powder, 1 pinch orange food color In the end we are having oil for deep frying, some silver foil cut into pieces and water as required Before we start let me tell you I am having my cooking blog by the name shahidaig.Com Its link is given below in description Just check it out and subscribe there also Lets start our dish First of all take the chicken wings and add all the ingredients (except cooking oil) into it Mix them well and after that we will add little water into it.
We won't form a batter but a paste for coating All the ingredients are mixed perfectly. Cover this bowl with a lid and keep it aside for 15-20 min. After that we will deep fry them Now take a cooking pan and put it on high flame. Add oil into it and let it heat.
Take a little marination paste onto your finger and drop it into the oil. If it starts to flow, our oil is perfectly hot for deep frying. Turn the flame to medium and place the marinated chicken pieces into the hot oil one by one very carefully When their color changes to dark brown, we will remove them from hot oil Whenever hot oil is involved always cook carefully. Safety should be your top priority After frying for some time our chicken lollipops are ready.
Remove them and keep on a tissue paper I am now going to wrap them in silver foil pieces Our chicken lollipops are ready They are very delicious.Do try them and let me know whether you like them or not Do comment, subscribe, share and like this recipe Will meet you soon with something new Till then take care. Bye.

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