Push the flesh towards the other end. The second segment contains two bones, remove the thinest. For this, separate the two bones on one end. Untie the flesh and remove this little bone.
Then push the flesh towards the other end
along the remaining bone. To make the chicken marinade, crush a clove of garlic peel it, chop it peel the ginger grate it take 1 tsp Then add
The salt The pepper The sugar The honey The oil The light soy sauce The dark soy sauce mix all together cover and leave it in the fridge at least
3 hours, or better overnight. Mince the green onion mix the marinade before cooking. Pour it in a pan, all the cooking is done
over low heat.
Cook for five minutes with a lid. Then mix, put the lid back on, cook for another five minutes. Continue cooking for five minutes without
a lid and mixing from time to time. Without a lid, the sauce evaporates and allows
the wings to caramelize.
Sprinkle some green onion Beware some gourmands may finish the dish before others have enjoyed it. Bon apptit! Thank you for watching and sharing my video. See you at the next homemade dish.

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