It's tricky All right now we move on to orange I've added some of the watermelon Pieces in here which are a little bit pink so I'll probably end up using a couple drops of yellow food coloring to make sure It keeps the nice orange color Now this this first pot that I was using the bottom of it is so thin that It just kind of starts burning it immediately all right this pot has much thicker walls. I think it should work much better SUBSCRIBE TO "I'M SANDWICH" AND COMMENT ON HIS LATEST VIDEO TO ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A FREE TURKEY MOLD! (GIVE THE VIDEO A LIKE FOR ANOTHER ENTRY IN THE CONTEST) Congrats on finding this Easter egg to enter the give away. As All right, it's soft you see I'm making little tiny dents with my finger It's not liquid like it was when I poured it in, but it's still very soft But I think that's a good amount it should make it bond nicely with the next layer We're not just trying to make a giant candy turkey here, we're trying to make a giant candy turkey Lollipop, so I've got our appropriately sized lollipop stick I'm just gonna leave this in here and then pour over the candy around that as it cooled down There we go so far. It's actually not touching the surface of the candy But by the next pour it'll be embedded in there alright our yellow layer is ready to be poured It'll be a little careful this time.
I have a smaller Spot to pour into, but I think it'll work out just fine I Hope that's a good amount of that That's a pretty good green color green is going in before blue. That's where we messed up last time All right, there's a green layer all right now. It's time for our blue layer Cool Reds that come off it comes off kind of helix twists for just a second All right adding purple our last layer You can see that the other layers haven't cooled off as much as they were Originally the Purple's kind of pushing down into the blue, so we might get a little bit of a mix in our rainbow There we go we've now got six different colors of candy poured into our turkey mold red orange yellow Green blue purple green and blue are in the correct order this time Don't worry, so now we have to just let it cool down There's a lot of melted candy in here and the silicone doesn't conduct heat very well So it's gonna take a while for it to really cool down until it's solid all the way through and we definitely don't want it Full of molten candy as we try and Diebold it, so let's give this several hours to cool down We'll come back remove the mold and pop it out All of our candy molds have now had time to cool off So let's de molde them and see how they turned out we'll start with the thumb molds There we go two-tone copy of grants thumb like how it's just kind of bleeding into it Here's where it dripped on the side of the mold when it was upside down Dripped in and filled in around it one thumb sucker And there's my thumb also two-tone we got I think this is our Strawberry cherry mix and this is our grape Mountain berry mix very cool. That's interesting.
There's a little bit of a seam in Between them, I'm wondering if we're gonna have that in our Turkey as well We did pour the turkey first and then the thumbs afterwards so maybe it was a little cooler here And that's why we're getting this division, but we'll find out all right on to the main event let's see how our turkey is looking Is a big old lump of candy right there Just trying to be really careful with it because inside There are things like the wings and legs and I don't want those to snap off from and moving around too much So I don't want to Put too much torsion on any one spot All right here goes see Well we can be mold this sucker Anything does break? I have a plan how to reattach it, but I'm hoping I don't have to use that I'm seeing some good colors Bits of our bird taking shape Good I think I see some drumsticks down there We get a nice rainbow look right there Yes there we go that is a giant rainbow Jolly Rancher Turkey Remember we're calling it a turkey now The Jolly Rancher did get really full of bubbles, so it's not like a crystal-clear Jolly Rancher sort of look But you know it's it's translucent light shines through it And we have got I think that's a pretty good rainbow right there red orange yellow green Then blue not blue then green like the chocolate chicken and then purple on the bottom That is a huge lollipop all right now I want to try something to see if I can smooth out the outside texture just a little bit I'm gonna try applying a little bit of heat and see if I can get like a smooth melted look to it all right I've got the map gasps blowtorch And I'm gonna test out on grants thumb casting what I'm hoping for is that it will sort of smooth it out So it looks like more of a fine production finish. We'll see how this works out Oh, oh, yeah That works fantastic I think I lost all of his thumb prints so no more unlocking his iPhone with it But it's got like that nice. Glossy look on the outside, so I think this should work great on the turkey We go nice moved out, so it's not sticky it nope Nice and smooth these beautiful colors. It's glorious the rainbow iasts Turkey I've ever seen I do suspect it doesn't tastes like a traditional Thanksgiving turkey You know it tastes a lot more like Jolly Rancher all the different flavors because it's just kind of like a Whole bunch of flavors in a line right there.
This is heavy if you don't think about how much How heavy Jolly Ranchers are gonna be but this thing has gotta weigh at least five pounds we had a little bit of extra candy For each layer, so I made some Jolly Rancher multicolored play buttons. We also have these molds for Therefore making shot glasses out of ice normally, but instead of ice we use Jolly Rancher candy It's got some really good colors to it there have it probably the world's largest rainbow colored hard candy turkey lollipop if you know of a bigger rainbow colored turkey cast candy lollipop levied oh
And I'll I'll cede the throne to them but for now I'm pretty sure we have it if you have hard candies you can easily Melt them down and cast them into other shapes. We've got some thumb suckers. We've got some shot glasses We have a rainbow assortment of play buttons and of course we have our surprisingly heavy rainbow Jolly Rancher turkey lollipop This is a fun project.
That's easy to do at home if you don't have a mold of a turkey lying around That's alright. You can follow the instructions in our thumbsucker video to make your own mold of whatever you want Thanks for joining us for this project today, and we'll see you the next one talk to you then It stop it stop it stop stop There's like 50 jelly Richard wrappers stuck to the bottom of the counter or it's like a candy turkey version of Thor's hammer with some lightning bolts Jolly Ranchers falling from the sky raining sugar I. Tried I don't know if it's quite the right thing to serve up and Give it to a whole lot of people with mashed potatoes, but it's delicious guess what chicken butt Hey guys just wanna remind you that king of random t-shirts go on sale tomorrow That's November 24, so check back on tomorrow's video and watch my other social media for links to where you can get your own Hey guys I hope you loved this video as much as we love making it for you because if you didn't then I guess we both just Wasted our time, but we are literally working on the next one right now So we'll see you as soon as we get it finished. Talk to you then.

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