you could play with bacon. - [Lindsay] Go in! - You wanna make yourself useful, or you wanna just eat bacon? - Falling into a trance. You crazy! - And that's a wrap. (Upbeat music) - What's up? We are on the Lower East
Side of New York City At Roni-Sue Chocolates.
We are here for the bacon lollipops. If you are anything like me, you love bacon in all forms, otherwise get out. Why are you even watching? These lollipops have been a huge hit ever since the company debuted them. We gotta figure out what they taste like.
(Upbeat music) - So we start with the mold for the lollipops, right? - Since they're lollipops. - Yes. These are called hardtack lollipop molds. Even though it's a candy store, we have some savory bacon.
You can smell it, if
this were smell-o-vision, you would know. (Lindsay laughs) - So in this episode,
we're playing with bacon. - Bet you wish you could play with bacon. - Can't wait for some bacon.
I'm a crispy girl. - Okay. - Do you like crispy bacon? - [Rhonda] Absolutely. Team crisp.
- Oh my God. - Yeah, it's really good. - Oh my God. It's almost like bacon candy.
- [Rhonda] Yeah. - So we're doing, we're
gonna be on fat patrol. - [Rhonda] Yes, that's right. So like that is pretty much just fat, so we don't want that.
- Maybe I'll just eat the rejected pieces. - Yeah, you know, I mean
somebody's gotta do it. - I mean, fat shouldn't go to waste. Oh my God.
- It goes to waist in
a different spelling. - Why does fat taste so good? Oh bacon, where would we be without you? Believe it or not, there's a science to why we love bacon so much. When the fat, sugar and
amino acids heat up, it actually stimulates
our hunger response. Today, Americans eat nearly 18 pounds of bacon every year.
We went through so much bacon last winter that news broke of an actual shortage. - Oh my God, I think bacon has finally given me a heart attack. - [Lindsay] And by the end of next year, pork production in the U.S. Will surpass beef production for the first time ever.
We're not just eating it for breakfast. Bacon has found its way
into tons of desserts. Donuts, cupcakes, chocolate, s'mores. - So you wanna make yourself useful, or you wanna just eat bacon? (Laughs) I got a big piece of bacon.
Poor me. - Said no one ever.
- No one ever, yeah right. - So the stick goes right
in the center of the circle. - Yep, you pretty much
want the top of the stick to be right in the middle.
- Oh, that bacon is, I just want it to be my boyfriend. - While you're struggling
into your gloves-- - Oh my gosh, why is this taking so long? Setting it down in the center. - [Rhonda] Perfect, perfect. - Great.
Oh, we're doing so many more molds. - Uh, yeah. - Yeah, oh my gosh. - Thought you were done, did ya? I like to use the smoked tea when I'm making something with bacon, 'cause it infuses the ultimate lollipop with a little flavor.
This is a little maple
syrup I poured already. We're gonna add some agave syrup. So now we have to add
a little glucose syrup. - [Lindsay] What is that? - Just to make sure that all
the syrups work together.
This is like, let's all get along. - [Lindsay] Yeah. Oh my god, is it playing a joke on me? - [Rhonda] Yep. We need sugar.
We need the tea, or the liquid. And then we need our syrups. And we're just gonna let it cook. - This was the bad time to come to a chocolate shop when you are literally starving.
(Upbeat music) - [Rhonda] This is actually a sauce gun. The syrup is over 300 degrees right now, so if it gets on your
skin it'll definitely give a third degree burn. - [Lindsay] You're working really fast. - [Rhonda] Yeah, I have to work fast because this is going to set up.
In 20 minutes, these
lollipops will be hard. - So nervous. - [Rhonda] Look at you. Good.
- [Lindsay] Good? - Yep.
Pro, pro action. - [Lindsay] Oh my gosh. - [Rhonda] Oh the humanity. - [Lindsay] Ahhh! - I'm gonna make you eat that one.
Probably the best.
- My first tray is pristine, and things got--
- Began to lose your focus. - Went a little off the deep end. - So we're gonna pop them
out of their little molds to start with. - [Lindsay] Okay.
Oh, shit. Whoa. - [Rhonda] Yeah, that
one's loaded with bacon. - Ching! - And that's a wrap! - Can't wait to try these suckers.
I made 'em. I wrapped 'em. I put the little twisty on them. That I now can't get off.
Just so you know something about me, I don't suck on lollipops, I like to crack my teeth on them. (Drum roll) It's stuck to my teeth. My cavities feel like they're gonna be pulled out of my teeth. A little fatty, not gonna lie.
It's really savory, very smoky. This is delish. Where are we going next?.

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