about a brand new show coming out on the React channel this week, where me and the FBE staff
and other reactors do a ton of challenges
that you guys submit. Coming out this week.
It's gonna be a ton of fun, right on the React channel. (French accordion music) (ominous music) - (FBE) So we reached out
to you in advance and warned you about
the Toe of Satan Challenge and told you how incredibly spicy it was, but you said you
still wanted to take it on.
- That's right. - (FBE) What made you want to accept? - I'm always up for a challenge, always. - I'm Mexican, so I feel
like I have it in me. - I'm Chinese and where I come from,
we eat a lot of spicy food.
When I heard about this,
I thought, "I got this." - (FBE) So here it is. - Ugggh. - Ah, shit. Oh crap.
- Look at that. Shit. - Oh, it's actually like a toe. - (Sighing) It even looks intimidating,
like it's going to hurt me.
- (FBE) So to beat this challenge,
you must keep it in your mouth for five minutes
without spitting or taking it out. - (Incredulously) Five minutes? - (FBE) So here is some ice cream
for you in case you want to give up. - Oh, you have it at the ready.
That's fantastic. - Oh, that looks delicious.
- I have to win! (Ominous music) - (FBE) Now proceed if you dare.
- Damn you, Satan! - Ready... Set... Go! - (Sighing) - (muffled) Holy mother of God! - Oh [bleep] my life.
This is really hot. - (Muffled) I feel like I've got 15 packs
of Big Red in my mouth.
- Oh my god. - I didn't put it on my tongue yet. - I accidentally let it touch my tongue,
um, and my tongue is already burning. - Oh-ho-ho, that's hot.
(Humming) - Yeah, I'm starting to feel it
in the back of my throat. - It just hit my throat. - Oh god, it's starting to get-- aaaah! It-- my eyes are starting to water. - (Exhaling deeply) I've actually started thinking
of a happy place I can go to.
- Oh my god! My face
is getting so hot right now. - (FBE) You made it a minute. - Oh my god! That was only a minute? - Oh!
(Banging table) - (humming) - This is great.
Um... Well, it's not really great.
- If I keep moving it,
it won't hurt as much. Oh my god! - Ooh! Oh my god. I just died. I would not want
to feel any other part of Satan.
Oh god.
(Flames raging) - I'm trying really hard not to swallow. - (Humming) - What do I do if I-- oh! I quit. Oh dear god. (Groaning deeply) (flames raging) - The worst part is that
it's not bad tasting.
It's just really spicy. - I want to cry. This is [bleep] insane. - Help.
Help. Help. - (FBE) Two minutes.
- (Sighing) - Oh god. - [Bleep] my life.
- I feel the heat coming through my tears. - It only hurts when
you breath... Or swallow. (Panting)
(slurping) Or exist.
- Oh my god, it's so hot. Argh! - (Clearing throat) - It's okay. We got this. It's okay.
(Slurping) I'll survive through this. (Coughing) (drumming table) - Sweating... Breaking down. (Groaning) - (slurping) Five minutes is a really long time.
- (FBE) Three minutes.
- How much? - (FBE) Three. - Ugh! I can do this. - (Sniffling) - I got this! I got this! (Laughing) - Argh, it hurts so bad. - (Sighing) Okay, so I want to pass
it over to the other side of my cheek...
(Slurping) but... (Coughing) oh god! But I think I'd have to touch my tongue. - I can't even feel my throat.
I'm dying right now. - Oh my god.
(Sniffing) (banging table) (rapping table) (spitting) - (FBE) Oh, you spit. You lost. - Aah! (Spitting) Oh my god! (Groaning)
(flames raging) - Mm-mm. - Oh, we can-- we can do this.
- Hoo! It's intense. It's really intense. - I feel like I'm breathing fire. Wow.
Ugh, jeez louise! Aaaah! - (FBE) Four minutes.
- Oh, wow, wow, wow, wow. (Slurping) (coughing) - Okay. Overrated, I got this. I got this.
No big deal. (Smacking lips) - I can't do it anymore. (Spitting) Oh my god, I almost had it.
I'm so disappointed. (Flames raging) - Ow! (Squealing) (sniffing) My nose.
I'm crying. - Oh Jesus! (Slurping) (banging table)
Aaaah! - (Coughing) - Almost there, right?!
Home stretch. I've got this. - After this, I'm going to go to church.
I'm going to confess all my sins. - I'm sweating. Ugh. - Oh [bleep].
- SHIT!!! - Too far to quit. - Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. - FIRE! FIRE! - Oh, come on! - (Exhaling) - (FBE) You did it.
- YES!!! (Panting) - We did it! Lo hicimos! We did it! Aah! - (Coughing) - Holy shit! - (FBE) So you didn't complete
the challenge. - I sure didn't.
(Coughing) - I probably look okay on the outside. Inside, I am dying. - I was feeling okay,
and then once I swallowed it, it was starting to burn little by little. - Oh my god! (Wheezing) Oh my god! (Ominous music) - (FBE) This sucker measures
in at 9 million units on the Scoville heat scale.
That is almost five times hotter
than the hottest pepper in the world, the Carolina Reaper.
- Holy crap! - [Bleep] me. (Coughing) - Carolina Reaper, you ain't shit, dude. - It's in my tears.
Like, it's in my tears. That's intense.
- (FBE) Do you recommend that people
try the Toe of Satan Challenge? - [Bleep] no. - Everyone else, do it! - Absolutely. Everybody should suffer
as I suffered today. - No.
(Sniffing) No. - If you think you
can do it, go right ahead. - No. - Don't do it.
It doesn't end when
you take it out of your mouth. - Yeah, why wouldn't you?
It's not even that hot, dude. Just go for it. - Thanks for watching us
do the Toe of Satan Challenge on the React channel.
- Don't forget to subscribe
because we have new shows every week. - Bye, everyone. I'm going to go cry in my car now. - Hey, guys, I'm Katie,
a React channel producer.
I did NOT try the Toe of Satan Challenge
because I am a coward, but if you are braver than me,
let me know in the comments..

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