- [Rhonda] Bet you wish
you could play with bacon. - [Lindsay] Go in! - You wanna make yourself useful, or you wanna just eat bacon? - Falling into a trance. You crazy! - And that's a wrap. (Upbeat music) - What's up? We are on the Lower East
Side of New York City At Roni-Sue Chocolates.
We are here for the bacon lollipops. If you are anything like me, you love bacon in all forms, otherwise get out. Why are you even watching? These lollipops have been a huge hit ever since the company debuted them. We gotta figure out what they taste like.
(Upbeat music) - So we start with the mold for the lollipops, right? - Since they're lollipops. - Yes. These are called hardtack lollipop molds. Even though it's a candy store, we have some savory bacon.
You can smell it, if
this were smell-o-vision, you would know. (Lindsay laughs) - So in this episode,
we're playing with bacon. - Bet you wish you could play with bacon. - Can't wait for some bacon.
I'm a crispy girl. - Okay. - Do you like crispy bacon? - [Rhonda] Absolutely. Team crisp.
- Oh my God. - Yeah, it's really good. - Oh my God. It's almost like bacon candy.
- [Rhonda] Yeah. - So we're doing, we're
gonna be on fat patrol. - [Rhonda] Yes, that's right. So like that is pretty much just fat, so we don't want that.
- Maybe I'll just eat the rejected pieces. - Yeah, you know, I mean
somebody's gotta do it. - I mean, fat shouldn't go to waste. Oh my God.
- It goes to waist in
a different spelling. - Why does fat taste so good? Oh bacon, where would we be without you? Believe it or not, there's a science to why we love bacon so much. When the fat, sugar and
amino acids heat up, it actually stimulates
our hunger response. Today, Americans eat nearly 18 pounds of bacon every year.
We went through so much bacon last winter that news broke of an actual shortage. - Oh my God, I think bacon has finally given me a heart attack. - [Lindsay] And by the end of next year, pork production in the U.S. Will surpass beef production for the first time ever.
We're not just eating it for breakfast. Bacon has found its way
into tons of desserts. Donuts, cupcakes, chocolate, s'mores. - So you wanna make yourself useful, or you wanna just eat bacon? (Laughs) I got a big piece of bacon.
Poor me. - Said no one ever.
- No one ever, yeah right. - So the stick goes right
in the center of the circle. - Yep, you pretty much
want the top of the stick to be right in the middle.
- Oh, that bacon is, I just want it to be my boyfriend. - While you're struggling
into your gloves-- - Oh my gosh, why is this taking so long? Setting it down in the center. - [Rhonda] Perfect, perfect. - Great.
Oh, we're doing so many more molds. - Uh, yeah. - Yeah, oh my gosh. - Thought you were done, did ya? I like to use the smoked tea when I'm making something with bacon, 'cause it infuses the ultimate lollipop with a little flavor.
This is a little maple
syrup I poured already. We're gonna add some agave syrup. So now we have to add
a little glucose syrup. - [Lindsay] What is that? - Just to make sure that all
the syrups work together.
This is like, let's all get along. - [Lindsay] Yeah. Oh my god, is it playing a joke on me? - [Rhonda] Yep. We need sugar.
We need the tea, or the liquid. And then we need our syrups. And we're just gonna let it cook. - This was the bad time to come to a chocolate shop when you are literally starving.
(Upbeat music) - [Rhonda] This is actually a sauce gun. The syrup is over 300 degrees right now, so if it gets on your
skin it'll definitely give a third degree burn. - [Lindsay] You're working really fast. - [Rhonda] Yeah, I have to work fast because this is going to set up.
In 20 minutes, these
lollipops will be hard. - So nervous. - [Rhonda] Look at you. Good.
- [Lindsay] Good? - Yep.
Pro, pro action. - [Lindsay] Oh my gosh. - [Rhonda] Oh the humanity. - [Lindsay] Ahhh! - I'm gonna make you eat that one.
Probably the best.
- My first tray is pristine, and things got--
- Began to lose your focus. - Went a little off the deep end. - So we're gonna pop them
out of their little molds to start with. - [Lindsay] Okay.
Oh, shit. Whoa. - [Rhonda] Yeah, that
one's loaded with bacon. - Ching! - And that's a wrap! - Can't wait to try these suckers.
I made 'em. I wrapped 'em. I put the little twisty on them. That I now can't get off.
Just so you know something about me, I don't suck on lollipops, I like to crack my teeth on them. (Drum roll) It's stuck to my teeth. My cavities feel like they're gonna be pulled out of my teeth. A little fatty, not gonna lie.
It's really savory, very smoky. This is delish. Where are we going next?.
Rabu, 30 Mei 2018
Jumat, 25 Mei 2018
- What's up? It's Tom. I just wanted to give you a heads up
about a brand new show coming out on the React channel this week, where me and the FBE staff
and other reactors do a ton of challenges
that you guys submit. Coming out this week.
It's gonna be a ton of fun, right on the React channel. (French accordion music) (ominous music) - (FBE) So we reached out
to you in advance and warned you about
the Toe of Satan Challenge and told you how incredibly spicy it was, but you said you
still wanted to take it on.
- That's right. - (FBE) What made you want to accept? - I'm always up for a challenge, always. - I'm Mexican, so I feel
like I have it in me. - I'm Chinese and where I come from,
we eat a lot of spicy food.
When I heard about this,
I thought, "I got this." - (FBE) So here it is. - Ugggh. - Ah, shit. Oh crap.
- Look at that. Shit. - Oh, it's actually like a toe. - (Sighing) It even looks intimidating,
like it's going to hurt me.
- (FBE) So to beat this challenge,
you must keep it in your mouth for five minutes
without spitting or taking it out. - (Incredulously) Five minutes? - (FBE) So here is some ice cream
for you in case you want to give up. - Oh, you have it at the ready.
That's fantastic. - Oh, that looks delicious.
- I have to win! (Ominous music) - (FBE) Now proceed if you dare.
- Damn you, Satan! - Ready... Set... Go! - (Sighing) - (muffled) Holy mother of God! - Oh [bleep] my life.
This is really hot. - (Muffled) I feel like I've got 15 packs
of Big Red in my mouth.
- Oh my god. - I didn't put it on my tongue yet. - I accidentally let it touch my tongue,
um, and my tongue is already burning. - Oh-ho-ho, that's hot.
(Humming) - Yeah, I'm starting to feel it
in the back of my throat. - It just hit my throat. - Oh god, it's starting to get-- aaaah! It-- my eyes are starting to water. - (Exhaling deeply) I've actually started thinking
of a happy place I can go to.
- Oh my god! My face
is getting so hot right now. - (FBE) You made it a minute. - Oh my god! That was only a minute? - Oh!
(Banging table) - (humming) - This is great.
Um... Well, it's not really great.
- If I keep moving it,
it won't hurt as much. Oh my god! - Ooh! Oh my god. I just died. I would not want
to feel any other part of Satan.
Oh god.
(Flames raging) - I'm trying really hard not to swallow. - (Humming) - What do I do if I-- oh! I quit. Oh dear god. (Groaning deeply) (flames raging) - The worst part is that
it's not bad tasting.
It's just really spicy. - I want to cry. This is [bleep] insane. - Help.
Help. Help. - (FBE) Two minutes.
- (Sighing) - Oh god. - [Bleep] my life.
- I feel the heat coming through my tears. - It only hurts when
you breath... Or swallow. (Panting)
(slurping) Or exist.
- Oh my god, it's so hot. Argh! - (Clearing throat) - It's okay. We got this. It's okay.
(Slurping) I'll survive through this. (Coughing) (drumming table) - Sweating... Breaking down. (Groaning) - (slurping) Five minutes is a really long time.
- (FBE) Three minutes.
- How much? - (FBE) Three. - Ugh! I can do this. - (Sniffling) - I got this! I got this! (Laughing) - Argh, it hurts so bad. - (Sighing) Okay, so I want to pass
it over to the other side of my cheek...
(Slurping) but... (Coughing) oh god! But I think I'd have to touch my tongue. - I can't even feel my throat.
I'm dying right now. - Oh my god.
(Sniffing) (banging table) (rapping table) (spitting) - (FBE) Oh, you spit. You lost. - Aah! (Spitting) Oh my god! (Groaning)
(flames raging) - Mm-mm. - Oh, we can-- we can do this.
- Hoo! It's intense. It's really intense. - I feel like I'm breathing fire. Wow.
Ugh, jeez louise! Aaaah! - (FBE) Four minutes.
- Oh, wow, wow, wow, wow. (Slurping) (coughing) - Okay. Overrated, I got this. I got this.
No big deal. (Smacking lips) - I can't do it anymore. (Spitting) Oh my god, I almost had it.
I'm so disappointed. (Flames raging) - Ow! (Squealing) (sniffing) My nose.
I'm crying. - Oh Jesus! (Slurping) (banging table)
Aaaah! - (Coughing) - Almost there, right?!
Home stretch. I've got this. - After this, I'm going to go to church.
I'm going to confess all my sins. - I'm sweating. Ugh. - Oh [bleep].
- SHIT!!! - Too far to quit. - Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. - FIRE! FIRE! - Oh, come on! - (Exhaling) - (FBE) You did it.
- YES!!! (Panting) - We did it! Lo hicimos! We did it! Aah! - (Coughing) - Holy shit! - (FBE) So you didn't complete
the challenge. - I sure didn't.
(Coughing) - I probably look okay on the outside. Inside, I am dying. - I was feeling okay,
and then once I swallowed it, it was starting to burn little by little. - Oh my god! (Wheezing) Oh my god! (Ominous music) - (FBE) This sucker measures
in at 9 million units on the Scoville heat scale.
That is almost five times hotter
than the hottest pepper in the world, the Carolina Reaper.
- Holy crap! - [Bleep] me. (Coughing) - Carolina Reaper, you ain't shit, dude. - It's in my tears.
Like, it's in my tears. That's intense.
- (FBE) Do you recommend that people
try the Toe of Satan Challenge? - [Bleep] no. - Everyone else, do it! - Absolutely. Everybody should suffer
as I suffered today. - No.
(Sniffing) No. - If you think you
can do it, go right ahead. - No. - Don't do it.
It doesn't end when
you take it out of your mouth. - Yeah, why wouldn't you?
It's not even that hot, dude. Just go for it. - Thanks for watching us
do the Toe of Satan Challenge on the React channel.
- Don't forget to subscribe
because we have new shows every week. - Bye, everyone. I'm going to go cry in my car now. - Hey, guys, I'm Katie,
a React channel producer.
I did NOT try the Toe of Satan Challenge
because I am a coward, but if you are braver than me,
let me know in the comments..
about a brand new show coming out on the React channel this week, where me and the FBE staff
and other reactors do a ton of challenges
that you guys submit. Coming out this week.
It's gonna be a ton of fun, right on the React channel. (French accordion music) (ominous music) - (FBE) So we reached out
to you in advance and warned you about
the Toe of Satan Challenge and told you how incredibly spicy it was, but you said you
still wanted to take it on.
- That's right. - (FBE) What made you want to accept? - I'm always up for a challenge, always. - I'm Mexican, so I feel
like I have it in me. - I'm Chinese and where I come from,
we eat a lot of spicy food.
When I heard about this,
I thought, "I got this." - (FBE) So here it is. - Ugggh. - Ah, shit. Oh crap.
- Look at that. Shit. - Oh, it's actually like a toe. - (Sighing) It even looks intimidating,
like it's going to hurt me.
- (FBE) So to beat this challenge,
you must keep it in your mouth for five minutes
without spitting or taking it out. - (Incredulously) Five minutes? - (FBE) So here is some ice cream
for you in case you want to give up. - Oh, you have it at the ready.
That's fantastic. - Oh, that looks delicious.
- I have to win! (Ominous music) - (FBE) Now proceed if you dare.
- Damn you, Satan! - Ready... Set... Go! - (Sighing) - (muffled) Holy mother of God! - Oh [bleep] my life.
This is really hot. - (Muffled) I feel like I've got 15 packs
of Big Red in my mouth.
- Oh my god. - I didn't put it on my tongue yet. - I accidentally let it touch my tongue,
um, and my tongue is already burning. - Oh-ho-ho, that's hot.
(Humming) - Yeah, I'm starting to feel it
in the back of my throat. - It just hit my throat. - Oh god, it's starting to get-- aaaah! It-- my eyes are starting to water. - (Exhaling deeply) I've actually started thinking
of a happy place I can go to.
- Oh my god! My face
is getting so hot right now. - (FBE) You made it a minute. - Oh my god! That was only a minute? - Oh!
(Banging table) - (humming) - This is great.
Um... Well, it's not really great.
- If I keep moving it,
it won't hurt as much. Oh my god! - Ooh! Oh my god. I just died. I would not want
to feel any other part of Satan.
Oh god.
(Flames raging) - I'm trying really hard not to swallow. - (Humming) - What do I do if I-- oh! I quit. Oh dear god. (Groaning deeply) (flames raging) - The worst part is that
it's not bad tasting.
It's just really spicy. - I want to cry. This is [bleep] insane. - Help.
Help. Help. - (FBE) Two minutes.
- (Sighing) - Oh god. - [Bleep] my life.
- I feel the heat coming through my tears. - It only hurts when
you breath... Or swallow. (Panting)
(slurping) Or exist.
- Oh my god, it's so hot. Argh! - (Clearing throat) - It's okay. We got this. It's okay.
(Slurping) I'll survive through this. (Coughing) (drumming table) - Sweating... Breaking down. (Groaning) - (slurping) Five minutes is a really long time.
- (FBE) Three minutes.
- How much? - (FBE) Three. - Ugh! I can do this. - (Sniffling) - I got this! I got this! (Laughing) - Argh, it hurts so bad. - (Sighing) Okay, so I want to pass
it over to the other side of my cheek...
(Slurping) but... (Coughing) oh god! But I think I'd have to touch my tongue. - I can't even feel my throat.
I'm dying right now. - Oh my god.
(Sniffing) (banging table) (rapping table) (spitting) - (FBE) Oh, you spit. You lost. - Aah! (Spitting) Oh my god! (Groaning)
(flames raging) - Mm-mm. - Oh, we can-- we can do this.
- Hoo! It's intense. It's really intense. - I feel like I'm breathing fire. Wow.
Ugh, jeez louise! Aaaah! - (FBE) Four minutes.
- Oh, wow, wow, wow, wow. (Slurping) (coughing) - Okay. Overrated, I got this. I got this.
No big deal. (Smacking lips) - I can't do it anymore. (Spitting) Oh my god, I almost had it.
I'm so disappointed. (Flames raging) - Ow! (Squealing) (sniffing) My nose.
I'm crying. - Oh Jesus! (Slurping) (banging table)
Aaaah! - (Coughing) - Almost there, right?!
Home stretch. I've got this. - After this, I'm going to go to church.
I'm going to confess all my sins. - I'm sweating. Ugh. - Oh [bleep].
- SHIT!!! - Too far to quit. - Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. - FIRE! FIRE! - Oh, come on! - (Exhaling) - (FBE) You did it.
- YES!!! (Panting) - We did it! Lo hicimos! We did it! Aah! - (Coughing) - Holy shit! - (FBE) So you didn't complete
the challenge. - I sure didn't.
(Coughing) - I probably look okay on the outside. Inside, I am dying. - I was feeling okay,
and then once I swallowed it, it was starting to burn little by little. - Oh my god! (Wheezing) Oh my god! (Ominous music) - (FBE) This sucker measures
in at 9 million units on the Scoville heat scale.
That is almost five times hotter
than the hottest pepper in the world, the Carolina Reaper.
- Holy crap! - [Bleep] me. (Coughing) - Carolina Reaper, you ain't shit, dude. - It's in my tears.
Like, it's in my tears. That's intense.
- (FBE) Do you recommend that people
try the Toe of Satan Challenge? - [Bleep] no. - Everyone else, do it! - Absolutely. Everybody should suffer
as I suffered today. - No.
(Sniffing) No. - If you think you
can do it, go right ahead. - No. - Don't do it.
It doesn't end when
you take it out of your mouth. - Yeah, why wouldn't you?
It's not even that hot, dude. Just go for it. - Thanks for watching us
do the Toe of Satan Challenge on the React channel.
- Don't forget to subscribe
because we have new shows every week. - Bye, everyone. I'm going to go cry in my car now. - Hey, guys, I'm Katie,
a React channel producer.
I did NOT try the Toe of Satan Challenge
because I am a coward, but if you are braver than me,
let me know in the comments..
Minggu, 20 Mei 2018
Hey guys, it's Ro! Welcome to another Nerdy Nummies! Today I am dressed as Maeve from WestWorld because I got so many requests from you guys to make something From WestWorld. For those of you who aren't familiar, WestWorld is like if science fiction and a Western had a baby! When you visit the fantasy park, WestWorld, you can choose what kind of cowboy you're gonna be in the adventure. You can either be a white hat or a black hat. So I thought, let's make a theme treat based on this decision.
Today we are gonna be making white and black cowboy hat lollipops Let's get started! The two different lollipops that we're making today are pina colada and black cherry. The things you'll need will be one: cup plus 2 tablespoons of light corn syrup, 3 cups of sugar, 3/4 cup of water, quarter teaspoon of pina colada flavor, 1/2 a teaspoon of black cherry flavor, white and black food coloring, some lollipop sticks, and some heat-safe cowboy molds. I found this cowboy themed mold online I'll put a link down below. Look It's got some boots and hats! Now let's put it all together! The first step to making these lollipops: in a medium pot, pour in your sugar, corn syrup, and water.
Mix together until well combined. Take a wet paintbrush. Use it to brush the inner sides of the pot to remove all of the sugar crystals. Now take your sauce pot over to the stove.
Place your pot on the stove and turn the heat to high. Cook your mixture without stirring until the candy thermometer reaches 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, turn off your heat and take the pot back to your baking station. I just took the hot candy off the stove and divided it evenly between these heat safe Pyrex measuring cups.
In the beginning of the show, William picks the white hat, so let's start there. Add your flavor! I'm adding pina colada and 4 drops of white. Mix carefully because this candy is hot. Oh this smells so good! Sings*Pina Colada* While your candies still hot, carefully pour into the molds.
Don't worry if some of the hot candy travels down because once it's set, we can break off the extra candy. Then, place in the lollipop sticks. Now do the same thing for our black cowboy hats. Three drops of black food coloring and again just fill your mold.
Let your lollipop sit for about 30 to 40 minutes to completely set. This helps them dry! This is science! Now flip them over, give them a little wiggle, Oh, and they came right out! Look at that! Let's see what our black hats look like! Give them a bend. Oh nice! BOOM! Now pop out the rest of your lollipops! TA-DA! Here are the cowboy hat lollipops from WestWorld that we made today! We have the white hat Pina Colada lollies and the black cherry black hat lollies. Big thank you to you guys for suggesting something WestWorld themed! Let me know in the comments below which hat you would choose if you were to visit the world of WestWorld! Would you be a white hat or a black hat? I think I would be...
I think I would start as a... I think I would choose... I think I would... I'll be posting the recipe and a bunch of photos on rosannapansino.Com, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
And if you guys make this WestWorld treat, please take a picture and send it to me! I love seeing your baking creations! It just makes me happy! It makes my day. And if you have any other ideas for any other Nerdy Nummies please let me know! Leave me a comment down below, and I will do my best to make it happen! Alright. Thanks again you guys. Bye-bye! :) If you know me, you know that I love pina coladas.
Singing*If you love pina coladas* I do!.
Today we are gonna be making white and black cowboy hat lollipops Let's get started! The two different lollipops that we're making today are pina colada and black cherry. The things you'll need will be one: cup plus 2 tablespoons of light corn syrup, 3 cups of sugar, 3/4 cup of water, quarter teaspoon of pina colada flavor, 1/2 a teaspoon of black cherry flavor, white and black food coloring, some lollipop sticks, and some heat-safe cowboy molds. I found this cowboy themed mold online I'll put a link down below. Look It's got some boots and hats! Now let's put it all together! The first step to making these lollipops: in a medium pot, pour in your sugar, corn syrup, and water.
Mix together until well combined. Take a wet paintbrush. Use it to brush the inner sides of the pot to remove all of the sugar crystals. Now take your sauce pot over to the stove.
Place your pot on the stove and turn the heat to high. Cook your mixture without stirring until the candy thermometer reaches 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, turn off your heat and take the pot back to your baking station. I just took the hot candy off the stove and divided it evenly between these heat safe Pyrex measuring cups.
In the beginning of the show, William picks the white hat, so let's start there. Add your flavor! I'm adding pina colada and 4 drops of white. Mix carefully because this candy is hot. Oh this smells so good! Sings*Pina Colada* While your candies still hot, carefully pour into the molds.
Don't worry if some of the hot candy travels down because once it's set, we can break off the extra candy. Then, place in the lollipop sticks. Now do the same thing for our black cowboy hats. Three drops of black food coloring and again just fill your mold.
Let your lollipop sit for about 30 to 40 minutes to completely set. This helps them dry! This is science! Now flip them over, give them a little wiggle, Oh, and they came right out! Look at that! Let's see what our black hats look like! Give them a bend. Oh nice! BOOM! Now pop out the rest of your lollipops! TA-DA! Here are the cowboy hat lollipops from WestWorld that we made today! We have the white hat Pina Colada lollies and the black cherry black hat lollies. Big thank you to you guys for suggesting something WestWorld themed! Let me know in the comments below which hat you would choose if you were to visit the world of WestWorld! Would you be a white hat or a black hat? I think I would be...
I think I would start as a... I think I would choose... I think I would... I'll be posting the recipe and a bunch of photos on rosannapansino.Com, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
And if you guys make this WestWorld treat, please take a picture and send it to me! I love seeing your baking creations! It just makes me happy! It makes my day. And if you have any other ideas for any other Nerdy Nummies please let me know! Leave me a comment down below, and I will do my best to make it happen! Alright. Thanks again you guys. Bye-bye! :) If you know me, you know that I love pina coladas.
Singing*If you love pina coladas* I do!.
Selasa, 15 Mei 2018
We Destroyed 100 GIANT CHUPA CHUPS Lollipops!
At Vat 19, we value
product quality. So when we get a giant
lollipop with a huge skid mark on its handle,
we won't sell it. And when we get over a hundred
of these stained suckers, we're not gonna let
them go to waste. No.
We're gonna have some fun. [WACKY MUSIC PLAYING] People are always
wondering how many licks it takes to
finish one of these. So I built this licking
choop-a-choop drone drop.
We're gonna be taking this up
to maybe a couple hundred feet, pulling the string,
which lets it go. There it goes! [LAUGHTER] [CRASH] That worked. I feel like I'm flying
a high-tech kite. [LAUGHTER] [WACKY MUSIC PLAYING] Enjoy high-quality jumbo
treats, and shop hundreds of other gifts at Vat19.Com.
Oh, I missed. [LAUGHTER] (SINGING) Vat19.Com.
product quality. So when we get a giant
lollipop with a huge skid mark on its handle,
we won't sell it. And when we get over a hundred
of these stained suckers, we're not gonna let
them go to waste. No.
We're gonna have some fun. [WACKY MUSIC PLAYING] People are always
wondering how many licks it takes to
finish one of these. So I built this licking
choop-a-choop drone drop.
We're gonna be taking this up
to maybe a couple hundred feet, pulling the string,
which lets it go. There it goes! [LAUGHTER] [CRASH] That worked. I feel like I'm flying
a high-tech kite. [LAUGHTER] [WACKY MUSIC PLAYING] Enjoy high-quality jumbo
treats, and shop hundreds of other gifts at Vat19.Com.
Oh, I missed. [LAUGHTER] (SINGING) Vat19.Com.
Kamis, 10 Mei 2018
Hey guys, it's Ro today, I'm hanging out with Kandee! Hi guys! Am so excited because this is technically our first collab. That is a special video I know I've been waiting for this for a very long time. Me too. I'm so much love for her if you they are not subscribed Please go do that I'm gonna put her link it down below go subscribe show her some love And we made a video over on your channel Wait till you see I transform into one of my favorite characters from the movie wreck-it Ralph.
I'll let you guys guess who it is Leave in the comments below I thought Kandee would be the perfect guest today because I got so many requests to play the lollipop challenge And I thought who better than Kandee I mean, my name is like a sweet so perfect You know she just had her makeup line come out which is amazing you guys it smells like candy I just got it in the mail. Oh, it's so giant look at this. It's like a giant Lollipop. It is the coolest packaging very creative I gotta say I mean your house smells like frosting and the makeup smells like frosting so we're like a perfect pair to do it Wow, this volleyball have you ever played no lollipop challenge.
No the rules are very simple We are both gonna beat the line folded I got these cute little I love you like a little foxes cuz we're like some foxy lady off a long table Today we're gonna be tasting 10 different lollipop flavors, and if you guess it right you get a point Hey the person with the most points at the end wins the game Are there gonna be weird ones or hot ones or we don't know like I know what those like a scorpion or like a fly-in? And I hope not let's put these on okay. Okay, it might be a little tight or loose. I'm sorry There's no no eyelashes afterwards, but I know all right here candy lime jammers the first Molly pop All right our first Lollipop. Okay.
This is big. This is like the size of the size of scorpion ones. This is huge. I a little nervous I hope it's not a scorpion one today I'm feeling it and you little scorpion No, no no, okay, but I'm feeling that slowly pop stick and it's really fancy It's like a wood and there's like a little ball at ya like.
It's an accessory like this is like this area It'll rip, and cane yeah. Yeah like let off things with your lomi a little tap yeah Why is this so Jenny? Okay? Let's open it up wait. Okay? When you unwrap it. There's more plastic on it again There's another plastic oh I smell fantastic Oh smells great, Oh smells really sweet knows like caramel Hmm hmm tastes like normally, I'm scared to lick the bum police ID Oh Yelich, I think that's where the Scorpion is another empty Tempe uh-huh the bubbles are empty, uh-huh I checked it each cavity with my tongue And I was like what where's that bug these are delicious So why would you make the lollipop that tastes funny mate or just caramel well? Why would be shaped like a square? What's she like us Carlos or peon? That's what it is.
It's a caramel It's a maple caramel scorpion pod one two three made caramel Scorpion oh my gosh my eyelash is sticking to my face. That's a lot This looks this is amazing So wait if I got it half right you think should I get a point Porsche you gonna? Have a point for sure all right you were for the next one yeah this gets a point for being cute Yeah, you get you get a point really okay, so we have a lollipop number two mm-hmm And it feels like it has a very cute ribbon and it's a very traditional Shape it's a circle. Okay. Let's smell it Doesn't smell like anything doesn't smell like should that make us afraid.
I want to eat one of these things on the top Okay, I'm gonna eat it now hmm, okay Are you biting me? Yeah? They're like marshmallows. Oh oh? Are you okay? Oh my god? I can't see as part of my tooth, but I think it's still there I can't taste this lollipop. I can't either is it like cereal flavor there. You know Big flavor that's hit me in the face that it's like me girl here.
Oh Yeah, I'm just gonna say cereal, I'm going to theorem - okay. We'll just say ready 1 2 3 cereal some mores This is s'mores Some more you taste the chocolate you take the green grass graham cracker add this ratio and not right Yes, you get to Mars militants a little crumpled. Yeah, okay, this one was a walk. Yeah This is my trip all here now this next Olli face I feel the fantasy hey again, so maybe it's another breakfast food, okay And it's round so maybe this is my thing okay.
We're thinking to normal before oh It's not a pancake. It's not W. Ulicia feel the shape stick your finger in the middle hole oops I can't really get the plastic is it a donut I'm thinking at the donor. We got a taste out you ready huh okay ready go? He's fruity taste fruity One side tastes like a berry and one side doesn't the shape is killing me their shape should we just go with the shape? I'm for the taste shape or tapes cuz of the handle it was similar to that waffle waffle one So they should go into shape one two three a dome that blueberry bagel oh I was waving it around it just snapped in here.
That's not very for me. Okay. Let's look For any donut worry There's a bunch of long hops to go now on to lolly number four oh This one doesn't feel fancy, and we were having like kings and Queen lollipops We were used to the fancy nice of the knowledge But I was now I was not made for that cuz I I broke the lollipop hmm. He's very chigan Oh it hit the whole mouth Hmm, I think I think I know I have a favorite tropical drink When I go on vacation and I think this is it because I am tasting little coconut.
I'm tasting a little pineapple you're tasting a lotta is that cherry that's not how you make a Maulana I Love pina coladas cuz I love me too. I'm allergic to it. It's my favorite. Oh wait you're allergic that's what the doctor says, but I don't know ah It makes my lips and tongue sting but I'm alright it isn't worth it.
It's a little numb feels like paper cut 1 2 3 Pina colada coz I'm a copycat look. See we figured it out. That's teamwork We did it good job chairs Okay, rose. We're on lolly number five.
Yes. We are already halfway there. Just like the other one Oh, yeah, it's a little dome it's a little sphere a little regular classic lollipop Don't smell it Ohio taste it now, okay? This tastes like a cream I agree with you one on the same thing I think so we're feeling those who they're easy yeah, the exotic cops are easy right one two three Creamsicle let's look We got a Little Ollie thing easy next male cute these are how come yours is a total sphere and mine's like flat? If there's no your sister, and you were like yeah Love Z and yeah, and that mom was like she'll say to you you lucky to get along Number six and the same basic lolly shape yeah, we know this guy okay. We got a taste of everything Hmm Laffy Taffy So I eat only though yes, I eat when we have Laffy Taffy I like the green ones and then the yellow ones and then Woody's I was just a smile of mine you would cuz I hate Them that's why we'd make a good deal.
Yeah, what color is skittle Do you like I like to put all of them in my mouth this tastes, just like yeah a banana Laffy Taffy Yeah one two three. Yeah Okay, let's see let's see banana split What were the splits you know where they got a split checkpoint because I don't taste up bananas Maybe like white part in the vanilla the next lolli like it's like I want I know for the next Ollie we have been told that these are different flavors, so I. Have to figure it out. We have a you're a mini-challenge.
Yeah, I gonna guess without you I'm really hoping that their flavors that go together Yeah, like it's like peanut butter and jelly or like cookies and cream, okay, let's hope for that. Okay Let's try it whoa. I thought it was a round ball. I need you what is this shape it's a rectangle Mm-hmm the rectangles are what the scorpions come in Mind is really sweet mine tastes terrible, but he's kind of like a diluted watered-down Strawberry I you know why it's a rectangle unless.
There's a scorpion in the center. I'm not biting it I. Like the sound that you're making I feel like that helps your senses 1 2 2 3 Ming strawberry Ok let's see with this oh My gosh it any scorpion part pop out We're just looking it the worst-tasting Apple now, they're really deluded ok in your defense these flavors are very Diluted they're very light because you nobody's ever gonna lick this, that's why they're like flavor flavor We'll put a drop of it to say money because that you're joking about these I've seen my food worms in there But I can you eat a scorpion Did you or did you work in my mouth? Are you ordering this? What is that? That's his leg, I'm not joking you I think a leg came loose yeah, and that was in do you guys see that that was on my tongue Can you eat his tail? Coming back to point yeah, I got the flavor right, but you called it it has a low score peon for the link I'm gonna give you a full plate because you got eyes in your mouth, and you call it you say You know what these are rectangle. How do you think they came up with this? Do you think it was just a lollipop factory, and they were like one day a bug got in there? We're trying lollipops, so other people don't have to go through uhd the floor paint long pop Not even as a joke and thinking.
Oh, it's safe. It's trapped inside the long pop It's not there's a leg probably more They came out creepin out like yes But it'll hand out there and dust they sprinkle to doesn't joke like oh you thought. It was inside stuff We sprinkled two legs on that Oh shoot what the heck oh no? I'm not feeling safe about this shape. What is this? Oh? What? Is we know what it is it's a teardrop.
This is a weird toy room. I was gonna say do. I look like B. Can't see me, but this but they can see this looks like it.
Yeah It's wrong No, I'm putting this by my eyes Another thing in here they put a little band of worms with the cayenne pepper on the thing Another worm in here at work. This is a hot work. I think it's a hot worm. I think it's a worm well Whatever it is.
It's hot are you putting it back in there. You know? What is shaped like a tear because your client? You're gonna cry okay? You Keaney? What was it a woman of ghost chilies a ghost pepper? That's why it's a fucking. Chili you Banging it good opinion. It turns here.
It's a chili with a bullet This is a ghost pepper with a bug in it as well Ghost pepper you may be paranoid about I can go but have a lovely doing now, but you also were right one two three oh Man no one's Oh habanero This is really hot. I think you're gonna have a point cuz you say chili pepper. Yeah And there was no bug in it unless those are mug parts so we both get half a point I can have lot weird clothes Yeah, okay, we only got two more these are gonna terrify It's gonna get a little tricky though you guys because my mouth is still burning my tongue is on fire I don't know if I can taste the next two flavors. Maybe this will help mmm-hmm Little we got a unique shape in the family All right We got a freaky little ribbon ribbon and it's a flat lolly not a sphere I feel safe none of the scorpion one came out with a ribbon.
I can't smell any glue I don't know if it's cuz of that that chili low. It's only known. I'm Italian. I can't okay Let's try it taste something hmm Creepy yeah, I'm getting the grape Mm-hmm yeah, I'm gonna take a bite do it.
Oh, but it's great actually because it's really thin mm-hmm oh I'm not feeling great dentist Do you think I look better than before jannat Oh wait, I got keys stuck on my nips. What a great thing there. Just let it. It's really just a grapes I feel like this is the fancy kind so I feel like if I guess grape.
That's so basic What should great homie jab? Let me, Napa Valley Vinny great Bob One two three great Our grape jam PB. Yeah, you kidding me I. Tasted no peanut butter this just tasted like and grape no peanut butter But this cuz of our chili pepper is there like peanut butter in the middle may be Missing it hit put the boy. They made a brown.
Let me see let me see my grape ready here. We go oh Gee that doesn't do anything one two three. Sorry sound Now the score right now is six to four and a half It's in a close game And we only have one move left is it worth more points or something or no okay the next one is Winner takes all it's our last lowly number ten. You ready.
I'm ready. We're down to the very last one But these are the same old same old little regular lollipop nice Oh, yeah, it's shaped like a sphere these ones have the most defined flavor. I think but candy This is where takes all right who are constants okay? Everybody yes Let's taste it go Hmm I Got tasted a whole bunch more hold on, but you know what I'm picking up Cinnamon yeah, yeah me too But it can't be just another minute. I'm feeling ginger, buddy, but nothing I'm in a pumpkin spice Because I don't taste any blue It tastes like a basket of potpourri.
Yeah, it tastes like um like the holidays mm-hmm Cloves you know my tongues playing tricks on me ever since we had that that's really come on I'm a pepper yeah that that pepper was a lovely pen under our flavor sensors. Maybe I know Pteropus Oh you think it's like a churro. Maybe this is a churro. It is one two three cinnamon and nutmeg Okay, let's see how do we do in white a? You were right with the clothes.
I don't taste any pumpkin in here, and you were right with Halloween can I just say something Yeah, I don't taste any any pumpkin. I was really worried they were gonna finish with my Lollipop full of lies so big Alan great way to end my day on the sweet note Yeah
We did end it on the sweet note And you know what because it was winner takes all for the last round we both lost So Teddy Bay we both, won. I love your logic. I learned all the winners Yeah, we both not you were a winner before and now even more winners Out you a big thing you do you guys for suggesting the lollipop challenge great idea a big.
Thank you to candy candy Thank you so much. She's amazing again. I'm putting her links down below Go subscribe show her some love and we did a video over on her channel No snarling yelling no no Alright, thanks again you guys bye-bye If you want to check out any other videos You can click up here or okay? You might eyelash feel not at all a Little smoky get your little my got a little smoky to you well That's a new technique if you can use smoky eyes. Just put on the Fox mass sauce mass.
I'll let you guys guess who it is Leave in the comments below I thought Kandee would be the perfect guest today because I got so many requests to play the lollipop challenge And I thought who better than Kandee I mean, my name is like a sweet so perfect You know she just had her makeup line come out which is amazing you guys it smells like candy I just got it in the mail. Oh, it's so giant look at this. It's like a giant Lollipop. It is the coolest packaging very creative I gotta say I mean your house smells like frosting and the makeup smells like frosting so we're like a perfect pair to do it Wow, this volleyball have you ever played no lollipop challenge.
No the rules are very simple We are both gonna beat the line folded I got these cute little I love you like a little foxes cuz we're like some foxy lady off a long table Today we're gonna be tasting 10 different lollipop flavors, and if you guess it right you get a point Hey the person with the most points at the end wins the game Are there gonna be weird ones or hot ones or we don't know like I know what those like a scorpion or like a fly-in? And I hope not let's put these on okay. Okay, it might be a little tight or loose. I'm sorry There's no no eyelashes afterwards, but I know all right here candy lime jammers the first Molly pop All right our first Lollipop. Okay.
This is big. This is like the size of the size of scorpion ones. This is huge. I a little nervous I hope it's not a scorpion one today I'm feeling it and you little scorpion No, no no, okay, but I'm feeling that slowly pop stick and it's really fancy It's like a wood and there's like a little ball at ya like.
It's an accessory like this is like this area It'll rip, and cane yeah. Yeah like let off things with your lomi a little tap yeah Why is this so Jenny? Okay? Let's open it up wait. Okay? When you unwrap it. There's more plastic on it again There's another plastic oh I smell fantastic Oh smells great, Oh smells really sweet knows like caramel Hmm hmm tastes like normally, I'm scared to lick the bum police ID Oh Yelich, I think that's where the Scorpion is another empty Tempe uh-huh the bubbles are empty, uh-huh I checked it each cavity with my tongue And I was like what where's that bug these are delicious So why would you make the lollipop that tastes funny mate or just caramel well? Why would be shaped like a square? What's she like us Carlos or peon? That's what it is.
It's a caramel It's a maple caramel scorpion pod one two three made caramel Scorpion oh my gosh my eyelash is sticking to my face. That's a lot This looks this is amazing So wait if I got it half right you think should I get a point Porsche you gonna? Have a point for sure all right you were for the next one yeah this gets a point for being cute Yeah, you get you get a point really okay, so we have a lollipop number two mm-hmm And it feels like it has a very cute ribbon and it's a very traditional Shape it's a circle. Okay. Let's smell it Doesn't smell like anything doesn't smell like should that make us afraid.
I want to eat one of these things on the top Okay, I'm gonna eat it now hmm, okay Are you biting me? Yeah? They're like marshmallows. Oh oh? Are you okay? Oh my god? I can't see as part of my tooth, but I think it's still there I can't taste this lollipop. I can't either is it like cereal flavor there. You know Big flavor that's hit me in the face that it's like me girl here.
Oh Yeah, I'm just gonna say cereal, I'm going to theorem - okay. We'll just say ready 1 2 3 cereal some mores This is s'mores Some more you taste the chocolate you take the green grass graham cracker add this ratio and not right Yes, you get to Mars militants a little crumpled. Yeah, okay, this one was a walk. Yeah This is my trip all here now this next Olli face I feel the fantasy hey again, so maybe it's another breakfast food, okay And it's round so maybe this is my thing okay.
We're thinking to normal before oh It's not a pancake. It's not W. Ulicia feel the shape stick your finger in the middle hole oops I can't really get the plastic is it a donut I'm thinking at the donor. We got a taste out you ready huh okay ready go? He's fruity taste fruity One side tastes like a berry and one side doesn't the shape is killing me their shape should we just go with the shape? I'm for the taste shape or tapes cuz of the handle it was similar to that waffle waffle one So they should go into shape one two three a dome that blueberry bagel oh I was waving it around it just snapped in here.
That's not very for me. Okay. Let's look For any donut worry There's a bunch of long hops to go now on to lolly number four oh This one doesn't feel fancy, and we were having like kings and Queen lollipops We were used to the fancy nice of the knowledge But I was now I was not made for that cuz I I broke the lollipop hmm. He's very chigan Oh it hit the whole mouth Hmm, I think I think I know I have a favorite tropical drink When I go on vacation and I think this is it because I am tasting little coconut.
I'm tasting a little pineapple you're tasting a lotta is that cherry that's not how you make a Maulana I Love pina coladas cuz I love me too. I'm allergic to it. It's my favorite. Oh wait you're allergic that's what the doctor says, but I don't know ah It makes my lips and tongue sting but I'm alright it isn't worth it.
It's a little numb feels like paper cut 1 2 3 Pina colada coz I'm a copycat look. See we figured it out. That's teamwork We did it good job chairs Okay, rose. We're on lolly number five.
Yes. We are already halfway there. Just like the other one Oh, yeah, it's a little dome it's a little sphere a little regular classic lollipop Don't smell it Ohio taste it now, okay? This tastes like a cream I agree with you one on the same thing I think so we're feeling those who they're easy yeah, the exotic cops are easy right one two three Creamsicle let's look We got a Little Ollie thing easy next male cute these are how come yours is a total sphere and mine's like flat? If there's no your sister, and you were like yeah Love Z and yeah, and that mom was like she'll say to you you lucky to get along Number six and the same basic lolly shape yeah, we know this guy okay. We got a taste of everything Hmm Laffy Taffy So I eat only though yes, I eat when we have Laffy Taffy I like the green ones and then the yellow ones and then Woody's I was just a smile of mine you would cuz I hate Them that's why we'd make a good deal.
Yeah, what color is skittle Do you like I like to put all of them in my mouth this tastes, just like yeah a banana Laffy Taffy Yeah one two three. Yeah Okay, let's see let's see banana split What were the splits you know where they got a split checkpoint because I don't taste up bananas Maybe like white part in the vanilla the next lolli like it's like I want I know for the next Ollie we have been told that these are different flavors, so I. Have to figure it out. We have a you're a mini-challenge.
Yeah, I gonna guess without you I'm really hoping that their flavors that go together Yeah, like it's like peanut butter and jelly or like cookies and cream, okay, let's hope for that. Okay Let's try it whoa. I thought it was a round ball. I need you what is this shape it's a rectangle Mm-hmm the rectangles are what the scorpions come in Mind is really sweet mine tastes terrible, but he's kind of like a diluted watered-down Strawberry I you know why it's a rectangle unless.
There's a scorpion in the center. I'm not biting it I. Like the sound that you're making I feel like that helps your senses 1 2 2 3 Ming strawberry Ok let's see with this oh My gosh it any scorpion part pop out We're just looking it the worst-tasting Apple now, they're really deluded ok in your defense these flavors are very Diluted they're very light because you nobody's ever gonna lick this, that's why they're like flavor flavor We'll put a drop of it to say money because that you're joking about these I've seen my food worms in there But I can you eat a scorpion Did you or did you work in my mouth? Are you ordering this? What is that? That's his leg, I'm not joking you I think a leg came loose yeah, and that was in do you guys see that that was on my tongue Can you eat his tail? Coming back to point yeah, I got the flavor right, but you called it it has a low score peon for the link I'm gonna give you a full plate because you got eyes in your mouth, and you call it you say You know what these are rectangle. How do you think they came up with this? Do you think it was just a lollipop factory, and they were like one day a bug got in there? We're trying lollipops, so other people don't have to go through uhd the floor paint long pop Not even as a joke and thinking.
Oh, it's safe. It's trapped inside the long pop It's not there's a leg probably more They came out creepin out like yes But it'll hand out there and dust they sprinkle to doesn't joke like oh you thought. It was inside stuff We sprinkled two legs on that Oh shoot what the heck oh no? I'm not feeling safe about this shape. What is this? Oh? What? Is we know what it is it's a teardrop.
This is a weird toy room. I was gonna say do. I look like B. Can't see me, but this but they can see this looks like it.
Yeah It's wrong No, I'm putting this by my eyes Another thing in here they put a little band of worms with the cayenne pepper on the thing Another worm in here at work. This is a hot work. I think it's a hot worm. I think it's a worm well Whatever it is.
It's hot are you putting it back in there. You know? What is shaped like a tear because your client? You're gonna cry okay? You Keaney? What was it a woman of ghost chilies a ghost pepper? That's why it's a fucking. Chili you Banging it good opinion. It turns here.
It's a chili with a bullet This is a ghost pepper with a bug in it as well Ghost pepper you may be paranoid about I can go but have a lovely doing now, but you also were right one two three oh Man no one's Oh habanero This is really hot. I think you're gonna have a point cuz you say chili pepper. Yeah And there was no bug in it unless those are mug parts so we both get half a point I can have lot weird clothes Yeah, okay, we only got two more these are gonna terrify It's gonna get a little tricky though you guys because my mouth is still burning my tongue is on fire I don't know if I can taste the next two flavors. Maybe this will help mmm-hmm Little we got a unique shape in the family All right We got a freaky little ribbon ribbon and it's a flat lolly not a sphere I feel safe none of the scorpion one came out with a ribbon.
I can't smell any glue I don't know if it's cuz of that that chili low. It's only known. I'm Italian. I can't okay Let's try it taste something hmm Creepy yeah, I'm getting the grape Mm-hmm yeah, I'm gonna take a bite do it.
Oh, but it's great actually because it's really thin mm-hmm oh I'm not feeling great dentist Do you think I look better than before jannat Oh wait, I got keys stuck on my nips. What a great thing there. Just let it. It's really just a grapes I feel like this is the fancy kind so I feel like if I guess grape.
That's so basic What should great homie jab? Let me, Napa Valley Vinny great Bob One two three great Our grape jam PB. Yeah, you kidding me I. Tasted no peanut butter this just tasted like and grape no peanut butter But this cuz of our chili pepper is there like peanut butter in the middle may be Missing it hit put the boy. They made a brown.
Let me see let me see my grape ready here. We go oh Gee that doesn't do anything one two three. Sorry sound Now the score right now is six to four and a half It's in a close game And we only have one move left is it worth more points or something or no okay the next one is Winner takes all it's our last lowly number ten. You ready.
I'm ready. We're down to the very last one But these are the same old same old little regular lollipop nice Oh, yeah, it's shaped like a sphere these ones have the most defined flavor. I think but candy This is where takes all right who are constants okay? Everybody yes Let's taste it go Hmm I Got tasted a whole bunch more hold on, but you know what I'm picking up Cinnamon yeah, yeah me too But it can't be just another minute. I'm feeling ginger, buddy, but nothing I'm in a pumpkin spice Because I don't taste any blue It tastes like a basket of potpourri.
Yeah, it tastes like um like the holidays mm-hmm Cloves you know my tongues playing tricks on me ever since we had that that's really come on I'm a pepper yeah that that pepper was a lovely pen under our flavor sensors. Maybe I know Pteropus Oh you think it's like a churro. Maybe this is a churro. It is one two three cinnamon and nutmeg Okay, let's see how do we do in white a? You were right with the clothes.
I don't taste any pumpkin in here, and you were right with Halloween can I just say something Yeah, I don't taste any any pumpkin. I was really worried they were gonna finish with my Lollipop full of lies so big Alan great way to end my day on the sweet note Yeah
We did end it on the sweet note And you know what because it was winner takes all for the last round we both lost So Teddy Bay we both, won. I love your logic. I learned all the winners Yeah, we both not you were a winner before and now even more winners Out you a big thing you do you guys for suggesting the lollipop challenge great idea a big.
Thank you to candy candy Thank you so much. She's amazing again. I'm putting her links down below Go subscribe show her some love and we did a video over on her channel No snarling yelling no no Alright, thanks again you guys bye-bye If you want to check out any other videos You can click up here or okay? You might eyelash feel not at all a Little smoky get your little my got a little smoky to you well That's a new technique if you can use smoky eyes. Just put on the Fox mass sauce mass.
Sabtu, 05 Mei 2018
TEDxToronto -Drew Dudley Leading with Lollipops
Translator: Joseph Geni
Reviewer: Ivana Korom I want to start by asking everyone
in the audience a question, how many of you
are completely comfortable with calling yourselves a leader? I've asked that question
all the way across the country, and no matter where I ask it, there's always a huge portion
of the audience that won't put up their hand. And I've come to realize
that we have made leadership into something bigger than us. Something beyond us. We've made it about changing the world.
And we've taken this title of leader,
and we treat it as if it's something that one day we're going to deserve, but to give it to ourselves right now means a level of arrogance or cockiness
that we're not comfortable with. And I worry sometimes
that we spend so much time celebrating amazing things
that hardly anybody can do that we've convinced ourselves those are the only things
worth celebrating, and we start to devalue the things
that we can do every day, and we start to take moments
where we truly are a leader and we don't let ourselves
take credit for it, and feel good about it. And I've been lucky enough
over the last 10 years to work with some amazing people who have helped me
redefine leadership in a way that I think has made me happier. Today, I want to share with you the one story that is probably
most responsible for that redefinition.
I went to school in a little school called Mount Allison University in Sackville,
New Brunswick, and on my last day there,
a girl came up to me and said, "I remember
the first time that I met you." And then she told me a story
that had happened four years earlier. She said, "On the day before
I started university, I was in the hotel room
with my mom and dad, and I was so scared
and so convinced that I couldn't do this, that I wasn't ready for university,
that I burst into tears. My mom and dad were amazing.
They were like, 'Look, we know you're scared,
but let's just go tomorrow. Let's go to the first day,
and if at any point you feel as if you can't do this, that's fine,
just tell us, we will take you home.
We love you no matter what.'" She says, "I went the next day, I was standing in line
getting ready for registration, and I looked around
and I just knew I couldn't do it. I knew I wasn't ready.
I knew I had to quit." She says, "I made that decision,
and as soon as I did, this incredible feeling
of peace came over me. I turned to my mom and dad
to tell them we needed to go home, and at that moment, you came out
of the Student Union building wearing the stupidest hat
I have ever seen in my life." (Laughter) "It was awesome. And you had a big sign
promoting Shinerama, which is Students Fighting
Cystic Fibrosis," - a charity I've worked with for years - "and you had a bucketful of lollipops.
You were walking along
and handing them out to people in line
and talking about Shinerama. And all of a sudden, you got to me,
and you just stopped, and stared. It was creepy."
(Laughter) This girl right here knows exactly
what I'm talking about. (Laughter) "And then you looked
at the guy next to me, you smiled, reached in your bucket,
pulled out a lollipop, held it out to him, and you said, 'You need to give a lollipop to the beautiful woman
standing next to you.'" And she said, "I have never seen anyone
get more embarrassed faster in my life.
He turned beet red,
and he wouldn't even look at me. He just kind of held the lollipop out
like this." (Laughter) "And I felt so bad for this dude
that I took the lollipop, and as soon as I did,
you got this incredibly severe look on your face and you looked
at my mom and dad, and you said, 'Look at that. First day away from home,
and already she's taking candy from a stranger?!'" (Laughter) And she said, "Everybody lost it.
Twenty feet in every direction, everyone started to howl. I know this is cheesy,
and I don't know why I'm telling you this, but in that moment
when everyone was laughing, I knew that I shouldn't quit.
I knew that I was
where I was supposed to be, I knew that I was home,
and I haven't spoken to you once in the four years since that day, but I heard that you were leaving, and I had to come up
and tell you that you've been an incredibly important person in my life,
and I'm going to miss you. Good luck." And she walks away, and I'm flattened. She gets about six feet away,
turns around and smiles, and goes, "You should probably know this, too. I'm still dating that guy
four years later." (Laughter) A year and a half
after I moved to Toronto, I got an invitation to their wedding.
Here's the kicker. I don't remember that. I have no recollection of that moment, and I've searched my memory banks,
because that is funny and I should remember doing it,
and I don't remember it. And that was such an eye-opening,
transformative moment for me to think that maybe the biggest impact
I'd ever had on anyone's life, a moment that had a woman walk up to a stranger four years later and say, "You've been an incredibly
important person in my life," was a moment that I didn't even remember.
How many of you guys
have a lollipop moment, a moment where someone
said something or did something that you feel fundamentally
made your life better? All right. How many of you
have told that person they did it? See, why not? We celebrate birthdays, where all you have to do
is not die for 365 days - (Laughter) - and yet we let people
who have made our lives better walk around without knowing it. And every single one of you, has been the catalyst
for a lollipop moment. You have made someone's life better
by something that you said or did, and if you think you haven't,
think about all the hands that didn't go back up
when I asked that question.
You're just one of the people
who hasn't been told. But it is so scary to think
of ourselves as that powerful. It can be frightening to think we can
matter that much to other people, because as long as we make leadership
something bigger than us, as long as we keep it
something beyond us, make it about changing the world, we give ourselves
an excuse not to expect it every day from ourselves
and from each other. Marianne Williamson said, "Our greatest fear
is not that we are inadequate.
It is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, and not our darkness,
that frightens us." My call to action today
is that we need to get over that. We need to get over our fear
of how extraordinarily powerful we can be in each other's lives. We need to get over it
so we can move beyond it, and our little brothers and sisters, and our kids right now -
can watch and start to value the impact we can have
on each other's lives more than money and power
and titles and influence.
We need to redefine leadership
as being about lollipop moments, how many of them we create,
how many we acknowledge, how many we pay forward,
and how many we say thank you for. Because we've made leadership
about changing the world, and there is no world. There's only six billion
understandings of it, and if you change
one person's understanding of it, one person's understanding
of what they're capable of, one person's understanding
of how much people care about them, one person's understanding
of how powerful an agent for change they can be in this world,
you've changed the whole thing. And if we can understand
and redefine leadership like that, I think we can change everything.
And it's a simple idea,
but I don't think it's a small one, and I want to thank you all so much
for letting me share it with you today. Have a great day.
Reviewer: Ivana Korom I want to start by asking everyone
in the audience a question, how many of you
are completely comfortable with calling yourselves a leader? I've asked that question
all the way across the country, and no matter where I ask it, there's always a huge portion
of the audience that won't put up their hand. And I've come to realize
that we have made leadership into something bigger than us. Something beyond us. We've made it about changing the world.
And we've taken this title of leader,
and we treat it as if it's something that one day we're going to deserve, but to give it to ourselves right now means a level of arrogance or cockiness
that we're not comfortable with. And I worry sometimes
that we spend so much time celebrating amazing things
that hardly anybody can do that we've convinced ourselves those are the only things
worth celebrating, and we start to devalue the things
that we can do every day, and we start to take moments
where we truly are a leader and we don't let ourselves
take credit for it, and feel good about it. And I've been lucky enough
over the last 10 years to work with some amazing people who have helped me
redefine leadership in a way that I think has made me happier. Today, I want to share with you the one story that is probably
most responsible for that redefinition.
I went to school in a little school called Mount Allison University in Sackville,
New Brunswick, and on my last day there,
a girl came up to me and said, "I remember
the first time that I met you." And then she told me a story
that had happened four years earlier. She said, "On the day before
I started university, I was in the hotel room
with my mom and dad, and I was so scared
and so convinced that I couldn't do this, that I wasn't ready for university,
that I burst into tears. My mom and dad were amazing.
They were like, 'Look, we know you're scared,
but let's just go tomorrow. Let's go to the first day,
and if at any point you feel as if you can't do this, that's fine,
just tell us, we will take you home.
We love you no matter what.'" She says, "I went the next day, I was standing in line
getting ready for registration, and I looked around
and I just knew I couldn't do it. I knew I wasn't ready.
I knew I had to quit." She says, "I made that decision,
and as soon as I did, this incredible feeling
of peace came over me. I turned to my mom and dad
to tell them we needed to go home, and at that moment, you came out
of the Student Union building wearing the stupidest hat
I have ever seen in my life." (Laughter) "It was awesome. And you had a big sign
promoting Shinerama, which is Students Fighting
Cystic Fibrosis," - a charity I've worked with for years - "and you had a bucketful of lollipops.
You were walking along
and handing them out to people in line
and talking about Shinerama. And all of a sudden, you got to me,
and you just stopped, and stared. It was creepy."
(Laughter) This girl right here knows exactly
what I'm talking about. (Laughter) "And then you looked
at the guy next to me, you smiled, reached in your bucket,
pulled out a lollipop, held it out to him, and you said, 'You need to give a lollipop to the beautiful woman
standing next to you.'" And she said, "I have never seen anyone
get more embarrassed faster in my life.
He turned beet red,
and he wouldn't even look at me. He just kind of held the lollipop out
like this." (Laughter) "And I felt so bad for this dude
that I took the lollipop, and as soon as I did,
you got this incredibly severe look on your face and you looked
at my mom and dad, and you said, 'Look at that. First day away from home,
and already she's taking candy from a stranger?!'" (Laughter) And she said, "Everybody lost it.
Twenty feet in every direction, everyone started to howl. I know this is cheesy,
and I don't know why I'm telling you this, but in that moment
when everyone was laughing, I knew that I shouldn't quit.
I knew that I was
where I was supposed to be, I knew that I was home,
and I haven't spoken to you once in the four years since that day, but I heard that you were leaving, and I had to come up
and tell you that you've been an incredibly important person in my life,
and I'm going to miss you. Good luck." And she walks away, and I'm flattened. She gets about six feet away,
turns around and smiles, and goes, "You should probably know this, too. I'm still dating that guy
four years later." (Laughter) A year and a half
after I moved to Toronto, I got an invitation to their wedding.
Here's the kicker. I don't remember that. I have no recollection of that moment, and I've searched my memory banks,
because that is funny and I should remember doing it,
and I don't remember it. And that was such an eye-opening,
transformative moment for me to think that maybe the biggest impact
I'd ever had on anyone's life, a moment that had a woman walk up to a stranger four years later and say, "You've been an incredibly
important person in my life," was a moment that I didn't even remember.
How many of you guys
have a lollipop moment, a moment where someone
said something or did something that you feel fundamentally
made your life better? All right. How many of you
have told that person they did it? See, why not? We celebrate birthdays, where all you have to do
is not die for 365 days - (Laughter) - and yet we let people
who have made our lives better walk around without knowing it. And every single one of you, has been the catalyst
for a lollipop moment. You have made someone's life better
by something that you said or did, and if you think you haven't,
think about all the hands that didn't go back up
when I asked that question.
You're just one of the people
who hasn't been told. But it is so scary to think
of ourselves as that powerful. It can be frightening to think we can
matter that much to other people, because as long as we make leadership
something bigger than us, as long as we keep it
something beyond us, make it about changing the world, we give ourselves
an excuse not to expect it every day from ourselves
and from each other. Marianne Williamson said, "Our greatest fear
is not that we are inadequate.
It is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, and not our darkness,
that frightens us." My call to action today
is that we need to get over that. We need to get over our fear
of how extraordinarily powerful we can be in each other's lives. We need to get over it
so we can move beyond it, and our little brothers and sisters, and our kids right now -
can watch and start to value the impact we can have
on each other's lives more than money and power
and titles and influence.
We need to redefine leadership
as being about lollipop moments, how many of them we create,
how many we acknowledge, how many we pay forward,
and how many we say thank you for. Because we've made leadership
about changing the world, and there is no world. There's only six billion
understandings of it, and if you change
one person's understanding of it, one person's understanding
of what they're capable of, one person's understanding
of how much people care about them, one person's understanding
of how powerful an agent for change they can be in this world,
you've changed the whole thing. And if we can understand
and redefine leadership like that, I think we can change everything.
And it's a simple idea,
but I don't think it's a small one, and I want to thank you all so much
for letting me share it with you today. Have a great day.
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