- [Caroline] Hi! And you all know Cooking With Booze, you gotta cook us something, okay? But it has to retain its alcohol content. You have to be able to
get tipsy off this dish! And what, what are these called? - [Caroline] So these are
my rum and raisin cake pops! - [Kristina] Mmm.
- [Skyy] Okay. Cake pops!
- [Caroline] Cake pops! - Let's make this thing! - Yay! - Alright first up, you
need chocolate cake. That is gonna go straight into a big bowl.
Two tablespoons of chocolate frosting. You need to get in there, and
we need to start crumbling up. - [Skyy] Okay, go ahead. - Is it just me? I thought you guys were getting in there? I just scratched my ass, so I mean, I could do it,
- [Caroline] Eww! - But then we can't eat it.
(Laughs) - No, you're not allowed
to touch anything then! - [Kristina] I just picked my nose. - [Caroline] Get out! (Laughs) So now the cake is crumbled, see? Everything's mixed together. So just the raisins, pop
the raisins in there. And you can see they're already juicy now.
- [Skyy] Like that?
- [Kristina] Wow. - [Caroline] Yes, that's perfect. So now we're just gonna mix
all those bits together. And now, I'm rolling
these into balls, okay? - Okay, that's what I'm
talking 'bout, homeboy.
- [Kristina] She said balls. - [Caroline] Balls.
- [Skyy] Bawhls. Go ahead, say again?
- [Kristina] Bohlls. - Balls.
- [Kristina] Boooohhlls.
- I'm rolling these into boohlls. - Yes, 'cause I'm from London. - God save the Queen, we're
gonna make some bawhls. - My ball is perfect, as you can see.
So now we can all roll some balls. - My balls are a little
uneven, and they hang low. Can I lick on of your fingers? (Kristina laughs) - Oh my gosh! Wait a minute, okay wait, wait a minute! (All laugh) - So now it is stick, into chocolate, into the cake pop. - Okay, so stick it in the chocolate.
- Yeah, just a little bit. - [Skyy] Like that?
- That's it, yep. - And why're we doing
this, to make it stick? - Yes. So it's like, it's like acting like glue, and you can stick it into-- - Oh, I go whatever of those? - Whichever one you want.
- [Skyy] Okay, cool.
- So now we could put these
into the freezer for an hour, and let them set. - [Skyy] Okay. Alright, now we gonna dip
this in some chocolate, okay? - Look at me, I'm all neat and tidy. So I'm gonna pop that one in.
- And this an upside-down egg box homeboy. Okay?
- [Kristina] Smart! - I'm just doing these really simple. I've got cocoa powder. Tiny little sprinkle like that.
And if you want to stick a raisin on top, I thought that would be it. Well there you go! - 'Cause Tina's looks so sexual! Why it gotta look like a penis, man? - (Laughs) It doesn't look like a penis! It looks like a boob with a, like a THO. - [Caroline] It does look like a boob now. - [Skyy] I'm just sayin' man.
Okay go ahead, do that one, do that one. - [Caroline] So some more cocoa powder. Oh, you put the nipple on now.
(Kristina laughs) - And there you have it! Rum and raisin cake pops, okay? Covered in chocolate, delicious, rolled into nice balls, okay? Alright, so what do we do now? - Now you can eat them, hooray! Okay, take one, Kristina. - [Kristina] Okay!
- [Caroline] There yo.
Cake pop for you.
- [Skyy] Okay. - Cheers. - Ting ting! - Ting ting. - Been a pleasure.
- Okay. - I hope you like them! - What's the caloric content on this? - [Kristina] Mmmm. - I like it! - Do you have any almond milk? (Skyy mumbles) - Oh yeah! - Give her the almond milk? - I feel like you need that. Feel like I need a little
glass of milk or something.
- Mmm, that's so good. - And you can still taste the rum, right? - [Kristina] Oh my gosh! - 'Cause they've been soaking. I let them soak overnight, so the raisins were so full of all that alcohol. It's like a little treat, right? I like it.
- I love it! (Mumbles) - Making it tipsy? - It's definitely easy to make. - They are easy, right? - Youtube.Com/carolineartiss, y'all. Check out, check out her recipes, okay? This was good, man!
- [Caroline] Thank you! - Because when you were like, "Hey, we should do something!" I was like, man, this chick can't cook! But now I realized that
you're not that bad. - You know I do have a restaurant! - That is delicious.
(Skyy laughs) - And a recipe book.
And I've been cooking for 20 years! - Tipsy Bartender! (Laughs) - [Skyy] Eva, what is the
name of this sexy ass drink? - [Eva] It's called The Breeze! I made it for you baby (Skyy laughs) - Give me some high-pitched notes. Baby (Eva laughs) - Lemme just go a little bit higher. (Skyy screams).

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