Nummies! I got so many requests from you guys to make
something from the series Shannara Chronicles, and I love that series! For those of you who arent familiar, the
Shannara Chronicles is a fantasy TV. Series based on a book. Theres elves, theres
demons, theres questing, and without giving you any spoilers, I dont
want to spoil it for you, theres an artifact in the story thats very important,
theyre the Elfstones, theres 3 of them, theyre blue, and they kind of
glow, theyre really, really cool and rare! So today were gonna be making Elfstone
Lollipops. Lets get started! When I was searching for a mold that looked
like the Elfstones, I couldnt find one, there was not one out there similar, so today
I thought what a great opportunity, lets make our own custom mold, so today
we are gonna be making our own custom food molds, this is a really cool idea if youre
making a cake or you want to make chocolate melts, candy melts or even custom
ice cubes for something that doesnt exist, you can make anything you want.
The things you need to make these custom molds
will be: Food grade silicone plastique, it comes in 2 parts, Ill show you how to
use this in just a little bit. A scale, some polished stones, I know that
these arent the right color, but they are the right shape and size. Lollipop sticks,
blue Jolly Ranchers because the Elf stones are blue, theyre kind of this
glow-y blue color and the blue raspberry flavor is the perfect color! Something to
hold your mold in, Im using this tiny little cake pan. And, last but not least,
a heat safe cup.
Now lets put it all together! The first thing that were gonna do is make
our custom mold, you guys this is so cool, I feel like arts and crafts-y! The ratio
that you want is gonna be 1:1 you want them to be even. And I know that
I need 4 ounces of each to fill my mold. So it just depends how big your mold is. Ive got my scale in front of me.
Oh! 3.78!
Pretty close! Oh too much! Too much! Boom! 4! Im gonna put it over here, Im gonna
work quickly, Im gonna grab my second component and get another 4 ounces. Weve got our 2 components measured now,
4 ounces and 4 ounces, remember, whatever youre doing you want your ratio
to be 1:1, they have to be even. Now youre gonna mix them together with
your hands and keep kneading them together until theyve become 1 color, theyre
fully mixed. Then were gonna place them into your mold.
You have about 15 minutes
to work with your mold, place your objects in before it will set. And then setting
takes about an hour and a half. Were gonna mix them together now, this
reminds me a lot of fondant. Guys, right now, as were mixing this, a
chemical reaction is occurring.
Arts and crafts, and science! Weve got it mixed together, place it into
my mold container, its very sticky, so know that right when you put it in there
it will stick. Im just pressing it flat. Now we are going to customize our mold, youre
gonna take your stones over here, and Im just gonna place them. Youre
gonna want to push down your objects about 80 percent.
And just pick 3 of your favorite
stones. Im kind of clumping them together because I want this to be 1 lollipop. Our 3 stones are in there and now Im
gonna take that lollipop stick and Im just gonna eyeball it. Uh, ooop! Uh.
Now Im gonna press the lollipop in. Once youve got your custom mold assembled,
now youre just gonna let it sit. Let it sit for an hour and a half, leave everything
in there. And then after an hour and a half, were
gonna pop em all out.
And while this is setting, were gonna unwrap
our jolly ranchers, because weve got a bunch of em! Our custom mold has set, and now we are gonna
pop our our stones and lollipop, just gonna wiggle them out of there! Oh look at that you guys! The cool things about these molds is that
they are food grade, so you could even make like custom cake molds, and you can bake
these up to 450 degrees! Pretty neat-o! You can use these to make hard candy, custom
chocolates, ice cubes. Now Im just taking a dull butterknife and
Im just gonna pop the mold out. Gotta wiggle it in there and get it out! Boom! It feels like hard rubber, it can bend,
it holds its shape. And now we are gonna make some lollipops by heating our hard
I really like making lollipops this way because it is super easy
mode! I have made hard candies before, over the
stove. Weve done those in the past and, it works. This you just pop it in the
microwave. Were gonna heat our candy in short bursts,
the first burst is gonna be 30 seconds, and then 10 seconds each time after.
gonna keep doing this until we have a nice liquid consistency! My candy is out of the microwave, I am waiting
for the bubbles to stop before I pour. Now, fill the mold, just be careful,
its hot, dont get your fingers! Weeeee-ooooooo! Alright, sticky-sticky! There we go. Then, take your lollipop stick,
and I like to slide in, from the bottom, straight into the middle. And then, gently
spin around.
Were gonna let our lollipop sit until it
gets hard. Its about 20-30 minutes, While the lollipop is setting, Im gonna
clean out my cup because I want to make more of these. And you dont want to leave
the candy in there before you make your next one because this candy right here will
start to caramelize and change color. And that is not what we want! We want bright blue, Shannara Chronicles Elfstones! The lollipop is hard, were gonna pop it
out now, ooooooohhh! This is so cool you guys, it looks just like
from the TV show! The 3 Elfstones represent the users mind,
body and spirit.
And you do have to be of elven descent to
use the Elfstones, but, you dont have to be of elven descent to
eat these! Im gonna place him here onto a baking sheet
lined with parchment paper, and Im gonna make some more for
my friends, you can make as many as youd like! Ta-da! Here are the Elfstone Lollipops that we made
today, from the Shannara Chronicles! A big thank you to you guys for suggesting
something from the series, I love the series, its super cool, and you guys,
its the first time on Nerdy Nummies we ever made a custom food mold. Its a
little arts-y crafts-y! And, this lollipop recipe is easy mode! So
if youre looking for an easy mode lollipop, this may be a good choice. Ill be posting lots of pictures of these
lollipops on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr, and if you guys make
these, please take a picture and send it to me, I love seeing your baking creations,
it just makes my day! And if you have any other ideas for any other
Nerdy Nummies, please let me know, leave me a comment down below and I will do
my best to make it happen! Alright, thanks again you guys, bye-bye!.

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