called Cheesecake Lollipops.
I saw this online the other day. I can't remember where it was from, but it wasn't actually a recipe. It was a shop that actually
makes these things. Essentially a cheesecake, cut a wedge out, shove a stick in it and you
drench it in chocolate, mmm.
And then cut it, no you don't cut it. You top it with anything you like. That's the international
sign of topping stuff. So I really hope you give this a go.
If you're doing it from
scratch, it does take a while because you need to make the
cheesecake and let it set. I made one overnight before,
so we're kind of going to show you the whole steps in one video. If you're not on the website already, the full method is at the website below, ingredients, method and my epic write-up. It's awesome.
Let's do it. First thing we're going to
need is a large mixing bowl. It's all going to come
together in this eventually. First thing we're going to
need is a bag of biscuits, digestive biscuits.
By slamming it in the air like that, it's already broke them, it's good. Ziplock bag, bash, bash,
bash, bash, bash, bash. I sometimes find it quite easy
to roll it like that as well, because you might miss
like some big chunks and this really does flatten it. There we go, nice crumbs.
Mixing bowl. In go the crumbs. I did a no-bake cheesecake the other day, and you don't have to use digestives, you can really mix it up. I used ginger biscuits on that one.
Pour in the melted butter, yeah. And work quite quickly,
because you don't want it to soak into some of the
biscuits, you want to spread it around, get
it all nice and coated. So this combination of butter
and biscuits like this, is nice and coated now. You can either put it in the
oven for about 10 minutes or so to firm it up, or you can
stick it in the fridge.
We are going to go for the latter. But they are nice and
evenly coated now, mmm. Want some? This is a lined,
spring-form tin, chi-ching. I've actually used this already last night because, as I said,
made another cheesecake, so if it looks a little
bit like, "Oh, there's a "second-hand bit of baking
parchment right there," it's just lightly greased on there.
We're going to get our crumbs
and push it straight in, right now, like this, oh yeah. Like how it sort of leap
out of the bowl, whee. When making a cheesecake
for me like this as well, all we're doing is pressing it around. You can do this with a spatula.
Make sure it's relatively even. You can build a crust up
the sides if you wish, but we are not doing that today. What I find is that you think
right now, looks so delicate, and like just crumbly,
that it won't actually set. But trust me, it will do.
The butter will firm it
and hold it and grip it, emotionally, mentally, and physically. It's getting quite deep then, sorry. So for the time being,
this can go in the fridge. In fact, not even putting
in the fridge is essential.
You could just leave it along
the side because the actual middle bit that we're going
to do now would just hold it and support it anyway and it
would firm up as you bake it. But, we'll put it in the fridge anyway. In this jug right here
is some double cream. Rather than using a mixing bowl, we're just going to do it in the jug.
So I had to measure out how much I needed. And chi-ching, we need
the juice of half a lemon, so we'll get rid of this for a minute. Acid in the lemon actually
does help to thicken up the cheesecake, so we're just going to squeeze all the juice out of that. You can get a lemon squeezer but I kind of like getting my hands on it.
It's nice, makes your hands smell good. "Oh my gosh, Barry, what's that
aftershave you're wearing?" "Oh, it's citrus for
men, it's really good." Right, so there's only one pit to catch but that's why I had the hand there. One egg, two egg, three egg. And now we drink it, Rocky-style.
That's a joke. Not a very funny one, I'll give you that, but hey, we're just going
to whisk this together. Wa-wa-wa-wa-wah. Don't want you to over-whisk it too much.
Just make sure that
the egg is broken down, the egg whites and yolks have
merged in with the cream, the lemon juice has
done its thing, oh yeah. And that is fine, that's all we need. And we'll come back to
that one in just a jiffy. We interrupt this recipe
video for pug watch.
Amy is sleeping, Boston is sleeping. Okay folks, this is a vanilla pod, and if you haven't got one of these, they are a little bit more expensive, you can just get some vanilla extract. What I'm doing is running
my knife down the middle. I'm going to open it up just a teeny bit.
This is like awesome vanilla
flavour, straight from the pod. And then all you do is push
the knife along it like that, cha-ching, and we've got a
load of awesome vanilla seeds. And a few strands that we don't need. There you go.
Just a little interlude,
my comment about Doctor Who on the last video, the halloumi burger, which some of you were
like, "That's not a burger, "that's a cheese sandwich." I mean, we haven't heard
that one before, have we? The comment about Doctor Who
being a lady, I don't mind, because I've never seen it, I don't care. I think it's great, and
also, just like my tweet, it was banter. They should do Doctor Pug, yeah. Pugs have just come to
join us for a minute, not sure how long.
Oh, you're getting comfy, huh? Nice. Into this mixing bowl goes 500 grammes of full-fat cream cheese. Make sure you get the full-fat stuff. The low-fat one just
doesn't, ugh, doesn't do it.
Changes the consistency as well. Another dollop, plop, straight in there. And another little dollop, why not? Push the vanilla seeds on top, yrrrs. And we'll just get a spatula
and then we really just need to beat that through, soften
the mixture up a little bit.
But you can the vanilla
pods, the vanilla seeds, are spreading around it, okay. Little teeny-weeny black dots
all merging and separating and exploring the cream
cheese independently. Very nice. So in goes some plain flour,
you don't need to sieve it in but this just helps to make
it a teeny bit more stable.
Also, you don't want to put too much in, otherwise it will make it a little grainy. So we'll get that in. And then this is a bowl
of sugar, castor sugar. In that goes, sweeten it up.
Just mix that through, too. It's going to feel a
little dry but that's fine, because we've still got
our creamy eggy mixture come and join this party. Don't have to use castor sugar, you could use icing sugar
as well if you wish. That's pretty cool.
I just wanted to try and
avoid that powder explosion that happens, you know. So let's pour in, let's say
half of that eggy mixture at first and we'll stir it through. It'll take a little while
for this to sort of merge and combine with it. So go with it until you get
a nice consistent colour, and then we'll add the other half in.
That will do, and then
in goes the other half. Let me just stir that around again. There we go, all mixed through,
and in that time (laughs) you can just see, Boston's
had his own little tour of the kitchen. But I'm happy with that
colour, we can pour that straight onto our base now.
Here we go then, there's the mixture, and it's going straight onto
our base like that, oh my gosh. Be sure to get a spatula
and push in every little bit that you can. Now you can just kind of like tap it and it will level itself out. Give it a little shake
like that, de-de-de.
Make sure that that is fastened, otherwise, pfthwtt, go everywhere. You would probably have
found that out by now. But it should just sort
of level and set itself, be a nice smooth finish, cha-ching. There's good news and bad news right now.
The next step is, you
bake this in the oven for a good hour on a
super-low temperature. On the screen right now, look at that. And what you'll do is,
it won't go golden brown. If you push it another ten
minutes, it will start to, if you want that nice finish on it.
And then you leave it to cool
and stick it in the fridge for at least four hours. Luckily, I already did that last night. And here's my evidence. I did not eat the rest,
I've sliced some of it up, in the fridge now to
keep it nice and firm, but this, this has been out
for about maybe two hours now, and it's still nice and solid.
Because I wanted a nice, firm cheesecake so it grips for the lollies. Now, I'll just go into my fridge, oh yeah. And from the fridge, these
are indeed the wedges that I took out of it. They're nice and firm, they're chilled, so hopefully, when we melt our chocolate, which is going to be our next
step, it will cling to it, and melt it almost immediately.
So let's jump to that. Okay, small saucepan with
water about half the way up, so make sure it doesn't
touch the bottom of the bowl. And we're just warming that up. In this clean, dry bowl, we're
going to put our chocolate.
Like so. I'm actually going to put a lot in. It's actually so warm in this room, this chocolate is kind of melting anyway. All right, so I'm putting about
600 grammes of chocolate in, and also a tablespoon
of coconut oil, wrrgh.
That'll just help to
keep it a teeny bit thin. So that's just going to melt up. And we're actually going to
skewer the cheesecake slices with this, that's going
to be the trickiest part. I'm going to push that through the crust, and it could actually break it.
But if I can at least get it in, the melted chocolate will grip it. So, we'll see what happens, eh? If not, I can always find
out where this shop is, that does this and I can
just tell you to go there. (Sings) Okay, folks, this is looking gorgeous. It's going to be very, very hot, so we're turning it off
the heat immediately and I'm just going to let it cool down.
We do not want to put
red hot, melted chocolate onto the cheesecake pieces. As long as it's sort of room temperature, plus the cheesecake pieces being cool, it will hopefully grip to it. Between you and I, I'm kind of hoping this is going to work right now. It might now, but we'll
still put the video up.
Cheesecake slice right here, here we go. It's working. I don't know where it's going,
but it's going in there. Oh my God, I'm right
near the end of it now.
I don't want to go too
out the point, you know. Yeah, I'm going to leave it there. But look, cheesecake on a stick. Amazing.
It's a good old size as well,
because I've seen recipes where you have like a cube. Like, who wants a cube, you
want a slab of cheesecake on your lolly, right? I'm not going to move it too
much because it could split. We'll get it coated in chocolate,
that should add strength once it sets. Yeah, that works a charm,
I'm just doing a few more.
All right, here we go,
cheesecake lolly down. I'd be happy with that
as it is, to be fair. And then we pour, oh my gosh... Chocolate up and down it.
(Laughs) Great. We go over the sides,
with a little bit there. Oh yeah. Lift it up a little bit,
shakey, shakey, shakey.
That is awesome. I've just got a little bit
of melted white chocolate, so I just drizzle it on there, wow. This has turned out way
better than I thought. Some nuts, oh yes.
(Laughs) That's amazing, and not forgetting there is actually cheesecake
underneath this thing. Ahh, I think that'd be my first one. I'm going to stick this
in the fridge right now to firm it up. That is a beautiful sight.
Oh, my God (chuckles). Might put some sprinkles
on this one (laughs). Yeah. Maybe some bashed honeycomb on this one.
Ahh, wow. But I do like the white chocolate on it. I think that really does add
to it, so I'm just going to drizzle some more on there. I've put the other one
immediately in the fridge, if I didn't say that already.
Kind of in the zone now,
forgot what I've said. Well, I think they look blooming awesome. I'm going to take these,
put them in the fridge, let them set, and then we'll try one. Folks, I do hope you agree that
these look blooming awesome.
Look, piece of cheesecake on a stick. Nom-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom. Right, it's time to have a
taste, I can't believe it worked. If you're interested in
quirky recipes like this, my new cookbook, which is
available for pre-order on Amazon all over the world,
has got loads of things quite similar to this that
you'll never see in a video.
Here we go. Oh, my God. Look (laughs). You naughty thing.
I'm so sorry folks, I saw
that and I had to make it. But if you've got any recipe
ideas, let me know down below what you'll like to see. Don't forget to follow me on social media for loads of behind-the-scenes
bits and bobs, like Snapchat and Instagram Stories. You guys who follow me already
know that this was coming up, so thanks so much for following.
Subscribe for regular
recipe videos and food fun. And I'll see you again next time..

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